Lectura: 45".  
Details of a historic agreement


Argentina, October 5th, 2009

At the end of August 2009, it was sign the strategic commercial alliance between Hewlett Packard and GeeksHive International. The agreement, achieved after a year of negotiations assigns, for the certified hives of the GeeksHive community, the distribution of HP products and the corporate support to the deepening and the greater development of the communal model. For both parts, it has represented the culmination of a long process of interworking, aimed at the consolidation of web2.0 aspects that characterized the model of participation and commercialization developed by GeeksHive.

“I believe that this is the beginning of a new era in the commercialization of products and in the way Marketing is made. The Web 2.0 gives us a new and wonderful perspective of how our consumers are, what they feel and what pleases them. Together with GeeksHive we accept the challenge of developing new horizons, which will take us beyond a simple transaction”,
told the B. Sc. Nelson Borello from HP.

Among the details of the agreement, there are planned permanent trainings in charge of the trademark, certifications and presentations of products, in addition to a great event for Geeks that had reach the superior levels of the scale of Participation and Belonging.

Sebastián Borrás, Model Director and Founder Member of GeeksHive, asseverated: “Being close to HP will boost in a stronger way the second stage of the development of the Community. GeeksHive will keep on making people talk, since, in the base of this alliance, it is planned a set of really innovative stocks for what's left of 2009.”

The pioneer vision of an one of the first “specialized social networks” of the world, with its human-technological values of participation, its ethical principles of professional practice and its passion for the IT, has turned out to be a determining factor in the negotiations carried ahead with HP, who sees in GeeksHive a great potential of capillarity as to the penetration of computer products in very specialized and competitive markets.

For his part, the B. Psy., Víctor E. Cáceres, Model's Director and another founder of GeeksHive, remarked: “The active participation of the certified computer technician (Geek), his constant specialization, his active commitment with the principles and values issued from the community, they prove with clarity that a vision can only fructify in union, the work and the agreement on purposes of true professional and human fulfillment. That is our horizon, our virtuous circle. We are proud that a company of the importance of HP is associated to that challenge.”

In this respect, Sebastián Monzón, Development Director of GeeksHive, told us: We have many times wondered how getting out support of leaders trademarks without deviating from our principles and ideals, without being subdued by the power hold by numbers in the present-day markets. Today, we can say that we are living a dream come true, after creating and having committed to a Geek identity, holding an unswerving conviction with ideas and projects, and of course, allowing us to dream. Today, HP believes in the same thing than us, beyond numbers, and that’s our greatest achievement.

In this first instance, the distribution of HP products will be carried out through three certified Hives, located in important cities of Argentina (Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, Santa Fe, Río Negro and Neuquén). The experience accumulated by the certified geeks and hives, regulated through the Partnership Program (supervising entity of GeeksHive), places the Community as a clear example of Web 2.0 implementation.

For his part, Adrián De Reatti, representative of the Buenos Aires hive, affirmed: The dynamism promoted by the model is something really revolutionary, with organizations predisposed to change, with open mind and prefixed values, which makes it possible an ideal frame so that other hives are brought together to a new form of distribution.

GeeksHive is a human-technological model thought in order that the computer technician (the Geek) -counting on an on-demand system that permits allows him to make good use of the stock power, trademarks and prices of the certified hives to the community- can offer a highly specialized service. Trademarks of the importance of HP and technological specialization turn the Geek into the real differential value of the project.

Being a part of GeeksHive, that has over than 20 years of background on the IT market, and knowing its different angles, gives us a perspective that we are working in the fast lane, alongside the best trademarks and, definitively, confirming the high human and intellectual value of our organization in every level, stated Favio Verdechia, responsible of the Río Negro-Neuquén Hive.

“The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.” Jonas Edward Salk.