Borras and Co's auditorium was totally overcrowded after the numerous attendance to the event performed.... (+)
Good Parents on the Internet in "Sentido Comun", TV show of the Cable & Diario channel from Santa Fe city... (+)
Good Parents on the Internet in “Tema del Día”, TV show broadcasted through the Cable & Diario channel from Santa Fe city...
Guillermo Tepper LT10
Phone interview in “El Cuarto Poder”, radio program of Guillermo Tepper, through LT10 Radio from Santa Fe city... (+)
Presentation of the Good Parents on the Internet program, in the following schools: C.A.E., San Joaquín, Michelangelo Institute and LaSalle Salle Jobson ... (+)
By means of their cameras they were present in the official presentation of the BPEI program... (+)
Presentation of the BPEI Program during the event carried out at Catalinas Building at IBM’s conference hall... (+)
Presentation of the BPEI Program, to directors of primary and medium level schools of the East region of Argentina... (+)
Special program of EduHard. Presentation of GeeksHive’s community prior to the national launch on March 28th, 2009... (+)
GeeksHive’s community presentation, promotional clip... (+)
First global community of specialist technicians in computer science... (+)
First global community of specialist technicians in computer science... (+)
First global community of specialist technicians in computer science... (+)
First global community of specialist technicians in computer science... (+)